Thursday, November 30, 2017

Spooky Halloween Home Tour: Living Room

I'm a little late with this, but I promised to share some peeks of my spooky home all decorated for Halloween with you! If you follow me on Instagram, you've already seen some of my tomb sweet tomb. It's small, but cozy and decorated for Halloween year-round, though it does get a little extra decorated for the Halloween season. Though I've taken down some of the Halloween decorations shown below, the orange and black aesthetic continues all year long and anyone who walks in the door pretty much knows I adore Halloween!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Spooky Halloween Leftovers

Whew, it's hard to believe Halloween season is over and that November is already half over! This Halloween season was a little rough on me (not to mention being hit with some bad post-Halloween blues), so I'm taking a break to reset and focus on goals for next year. I need some time to focus on the smaller things, spend time with myself and family, and get inspired for next year.

In the meantime, I thought I'd share some of my Halloween leftovers with you all, which are basically just a random bunch of pictures from the Halloween season I haven't yet shared here. Looking back at what I did this season is a big help in getting me excited about next Halloween season, believe it or not! And hopefully they will help me (and maybe you) beat the Halloween blues.

Check out some Halloween 2017 leftovers below: