Of course, you can always buy the pre-made ones, but don't forget you can always make your own. And a bit of blood goes a long way to making something frightful!
The Invisible Man
Day Of The Dead Bride
Day Of The Dead Groom
Zombie Nurse
Clive Barker Halloween Horror Blind Demon
Day Of The Dead Bride
Day Of The Dead Groom
Clive Barker costume! Awesome!
That first costume is amazing. This Halloween is the first Halloween I won't be going dressed as a witch! My friends can't believe it. I'm going as a black cat instead.
Kick ass! I too am sick of seeing sexy nurses and superheroes. Hell, I even saw a sexy Ghostbusters costume the other day (which was kind of awesome, and they didn't have it in my size, gosh darn it). What happened to the real spirit of Halloween with goblins and ghouls??? The Ghostly Gal is the best.