Friday, January 16, 2015

Stay Home Alone Club: An Introvert's Perfect Weekend

Join the Stay Home Club [image source]

Do you ever have one of those weekends where you just want to draw the blinds, cozy up on the couch, and do nothing/see no one/go nowhere? As an introvert/recluse/misanthrope, I feel that way every weekend day, and let's just say my natural state seems to be avoiding all human contact by electing myself president of the stay home alone club and lazing around the house in my pj's with no plans besides binge-watching the latest Netflix series and hanging out with my cat, Havoc (he is anti-social himself, so he is fully supportive of my stay at home weekends)!

Below you will find a quick guide on how I prepare for my perfect stay at home weekend and why I look forward to spending time alone. Join the recluse revolution and stay home this weekend!

Sidenote: there is Stay Home Club (that's their lovely logo above) that makes the unofficial uniform of introverts everywhere! I need ALL their comfy shirts and sweatshirts (see below for their awesome "Awful" tee!)! Their rad clothing, prints, accessories, etc., really speak to my solitude-loving temperament.  Any of their clothes would make the perfect loungewear for a lovely stay at home weekend!

I've recently been inspired by the lovely Mademoiselle Ghoul at Unquiet Things, who wrote about her own wonderful introvert weekend (which she has coined a “f*ck off, world” weekend). Her post was so dreamy that I decided to write about my own perfect "stay home alone" weekend. To borrow another term from Mlle. Ghoul, the ultimate goal is to become an "anti-social sloth" (this woman is after my own heart, I tell you!) and I couldn't agree more!

I am glad that there are others out there that enjoy the simple pleasures of a stay at home alone weekend. Even if you aren't an introvert, everyone needs time alone – to decompress, to think, to enjoy your own company, and to do whatever it is you enjoy doing.

My view from the couch. 
Cozy, even if I don't have a real fireplace!

For the times that I like to indulge in my reclusive nature and have a stay at home alone weekend, I have a few loose guidelines to help maximize my "me" time:
  • I like to have the house cleaned prior to the start of my slothful weekend. I definitely don't want to be doing any housework (or at least any heavy housework) while having a quiet weekend to myself. Also, if the house is dirty or in disarray I am unable to relax. Cleanliness is definitely an important preemptive task to complete prior to being able to enjoy a weekend at home.
  • Got a pesky significant other or live with roommates? Tell them (lovingly) to leave you alone for the weekend. Or, lock yourself up in your room if you need to escape from others in your household. I'm lucky to live with someone that leaves me alone and has his own introvert tendencies, so I can usually find some alone time quite easily.
  • Prepare a quiet area just for you. I like the living room, where I can sprawl on the couch and binge watch TV shows, read books, or catch up on posts on Tumblr or Pinterest.
  • Set the mood by lighting candles or incense, choose soft or natural lighting to create an ambiance of relaxation. If it’s noisy outside, draw the blinds so you can shut out the world. Turn on your favorite music and tune out the outside world.
  • Don’t answer the door, no matter who comes to bug you. Don't pick up the phone if you don't feel like it. Stay secluded in your fortress of solitude! 
  • Eat well. I like starting off my mornings with a simple breakfast, like hash browns, bagels, or tofu scramble and fresh-brewed coffee. Something hearty and nourishing that still doesn't take that much effort to prepare. The rest of the day I play by ear - sometimes I’ll feel like taking care of myself and make a healthy green juice, other times I’ll feel like pigging out on junk food and eat all the chips, cookies, and unhealthy snacks in the house! Either way, I do what I want and don’t feel bad about eating well. Pro-tip: Make sure to have all groceries on-hand prior to the weekend starting, so, duh, you don't have to leave the house.
Eat well, enjoy some vegan mac n cheese pizza like the one I made above!
Vegan Yack Attack has the recipe for you!
  • Comfort is key, so go ahead and lounge in those pajamas or cozy robe all weekend. I like wrapping myself up in warm blankets during cooler months, and blasting the AC in warmer months. Make a comfy nest and snuggle in! Invite your pets to keep you cozy!
  • Entertain yourself. I like to catch up on TV shows or movies on these hermit weekends. Sometimes I’ll let my Hulu queue fill up with a few episodes of a show just so I can binge watch it during a weekend. Or I’ll use the time to re-watch shows or movies on Netflix or from my DVD collection. On a recent hermit weekend I re-watched most of Twin Peaks and on another watched the last season of American Horror Story. If it’s close to a holiday like Halloween or Christmas and I have a rare weekend alone, I’ll try to watch seasonal-themed stuff. Don't feel guilty about lazing on the couch and watching whatever you feel like! 
  • Take naps. Is there anything better than taking a short nap in the middle of the day? My younger self would argue against this, but adult me loooooves mid-day naps now! 
  • Read. Pick up a paper, a magazine or a book and read at your leisure. While I love watching movies or shows, I also like to devote some time to reading. Some weekends I'll just browse through a few books, while other times I'll spend the whole weekend immersed in a novel. 
  • Make something. While most of the time I am content watching TV or reading a book, sometimes I feel creative and ambitious, which will lead me to write, draw, bake, or do something else hands-on, like building something or putting together a puzzle. So if you want, whip up something in the kitchen, paint something, create some music, anything you are into!
Mister Havoc likes to creep me company, and I don't mind sharing
 my introvert weekend with him! 
Here he is saying, "you mean we get to hang out ALL weekend?!"
  • Enjoy the little things and quiet moments - a warm cup of coffee/tea, the way the sunlight dances on the wall, the smell of burning candles, the whisper from turning the pages of a book, a cat's purr; sometimes simple pleasures are the greatest treasures. 
  • Pamper yourself some more. Take a bath in clouds of bubbles, drench yourself in a sweet scent,  try some DIY beauty treatments, wrap yourself in a luxurious robe and revel in your awesomeness. This weekend is all about self-indulgence!
How often are you able to “treat yo’self” (as Donna and Tom would say on Parks and Rec) and indulge in a stay at home weekend? I try to indulge as often as I can, and not having kids or too many social responsibilities or family close makes it rather easy. I really do look forward to these types of weekends, and find my time alone sacred.

If you can't spare a whole weekend to solitude, you can do any of these things in small chunks throughout the day, week, etc. If you are super-busy, make sure to carve out some alone time to relax and enjoy the little things you like doing! It could be as simple as spending 10 minutes browsing Pinterest or Tumblr, watching your favorite show or reading for a few minutes before bed.

Do you ever enjoy a stay at home weekend? How do you spend your alone time?

Viva la solitude!


  1. That pizza looks great! And, on the topic of vegan cheese, I thought I'd share an awesome link to vegan cheeses and how to make them:

    1. Thank you! And thanks for sharing that list with other readers! I've tried the baked almond feta and it is INCREDIBLE and so easy to make! Can't wait to try making the other vegan cheeses!

  2. You are a woman after MY own heart! This is exactly what my weekends are like if I have no other obligations - Friday night I get off work, do my grocery shopping and clean up the place a bit before bed. If all goes well, I won't have to leave my apartment until work again on Monday morning. It's the perfect time to catch up on reading, writing, exercising, and watching movies and TV shows.

    The only thing that sucks is that my apartment doesn't allow pets so I've been without my cat on daily basis for almost three years now. Boo.

    1. Yes, your schedule sounds perfect!!! I do the same! <3

      Bummer about the no-kitty rule, though! Whenever I move, it's is sometimes tough to find places that allow pets, so I sympathize. :(

  3. Ooooh, this whole idea sounds wonderful! I can't remember the last time I was able to just chill without feeling guilty! And I can't wait for my daughter to finally get her driver's license so I won't have to stop what I'm doing and take her to or pick her up from her dance studio (she goes 5 days a week!!) I bet my cats would love to spend time with me, too!

  4. Oh Sarah. You and I are like two peas in a pod. This post is perfect...exactly the way I love to spend a weekend! Being married, it doesn't always work out this way, but we both like our own alone time, and he understands that I will always be an introvert. So I do get a lot of alone time, and all your ideas are straight off my own wish list.
    I especially like an introverted weekend in the winter. Here in western PA, we get some awesome snow-bound weekends in which I don't step one foot out my door from Friday at 5pm until Monday at 7am. BLISS!!

    Oh, and I must have that Stay At Home Club tee-shirt. It's purrrfect!

    1. Much love!!! <3

      Ooooooh I've always dreamed about a snow-bound weekend! That sounds so dreamy!

      We all need those Stay at Home Club tee shirts!

  5. Oh, man, the F*ck off world! Weekend. That's some quality time, spent with oneself. I need to schedule one soon, it's been awhile! My problem is...I usually find I've gained a pound or two afterward. I think I need to remind myself that it is not about hedonism, it is as you said - for pampering one's self! P.S. If you do buy that Stay Home Club shirt, size down...they run quite roomy! Mine is swimming on my by the end of the day and I am by no means a tiny lady.

    1. Thank you SO MUCH for inspiring this post, and just being inspiring overall!!

      I feel ya...there are certain weekends I eat WAYYYY too much and have to compensate with a lot more greens and juices the next week (something I don't always follow through with anyway...oops!).

      Thanks for the tip on the tee! I wasn't sure what size to get, since I'm not very small either! This is helpful, thanks! <3
