Monday, December 31, 2018
Wishing You A Scary Boo Year!
Who's ready for 2019?! I am bidding farewell to 2018 and looking forward to a scary boo year in 2019. Before welcoming in the new year, I wanted to reflect a bit on 2018, if you would be so kind to indulge me in some recollections.
2018 was a whirlwind of activity for me. It was my busiest Halloween season yet, and I got to attend so many incredible haunts, conventions, and events. 2018 saw some of my best posts, which were a blast to write, and I'm so happy they were well-received (I had my highest readership ever thanks to you ghouls and boils!!). Not only that, but I also had the pleasure of guest posting on several blogs, a zine, and having a monthly column published on a popular horror site.
The year was not without its heartbreaks, though. I suffered a devastating loss when my Nonna passed away as well as going through various personal struggles. I don't delve into too much personal stuff here, but it was a hard time, as I'm sure you can imagine. It was a year of highs and lows, which everyone can relate to, because that is life, right? You gotta take the good with the bad.
During the end of the year, I like to focus on the positive and reflect on what brought me joy in 2018. I wanted to share a few of these favorite things from 2018 with you, dear readers, which included:
Friday, December 21, 2018
10 Things I'm Loving This December
Despite how fast Christmas is bearing down on us, I have to say I am really enjoying this month. I am staying put over the holidays, so it hasn't been as crazy as it usually would be and I'm so happy I don't have to travel. It means I get to do one of my favorite things - hole up at home! I've been hunkering down, writing, watching tons of movies and TV, reading, and just enjoying the spirit of the holidays. This month, I've also seen some recent projects come to fruition, which I'm pretty proud of.
I'm so glad I've been able to finish the year out on a high note. And as I do every month on these "ten things" posts, I'll be sharing some of my favorite things I experienced this December. This month, this includes the 13 days of Creepmas, a festive new perfume, oodles of holiday movies, some dark folklore, vegan sugar cookies, and more!
See my 10 Things I'm Loving This December below:
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Watch Now on Netflix: Delirium (2018)
I haven't done a Netflix recommendation post in months, partly because they have had so much good content recently it's hard to keep up, but also since I've been busy with Halloween, then Hallowvember, then Thanksgiving, and now Creepmas. However, I just watched Delirium, the 2018 Netflix film starring Topher Grace and Patricia Clarkson, and I just had to share this title as I really enjoyed it.
This film has been languishing in my Netflix queue for months and months, but I finally watched it the other night and was surprised at how good it was! I haven't heard much about this film, which is a real shame since it isn't getting the attention it deserves.
Monday, December 17, 2018
27 Must-Have Vegan Holiday Finds at Trader Joe’s
Trader Joe's has so many festively fun vegan holiday items this year, including new ones as well as returning favorites! Each year Trader Joe's unveils more and more vegan products, and I always look forward to seeing what treats they bring us during the holidays. Plus, many of Trader Joe's holiday items make great gifts or fun foodie stocking stuffers, so keep that it mind next time you're browsing the aisles of your local Trader Joe's.
I spent my grocery trip to Trader Joe's this past weekend scouting out all the new and returning vegan holiday products, and wanted to share my finds with you! Please note, all of these items are from Trader Joe's stores located in Orange County, California, so stock and prices may vary by region. Many of these items are seasonal and only available for a limited time, so be sure to grab them while you can!
Below find my 27 Must-Have Vegan Holiday Finds From Trader Joe's:
Thursday, December 13, 2018
13 Days of Holiday Horror Movies
Can you believe Christmas is just 13 days away?! Eeeeek! I can't believe it is nearly here, and I can't wait to spend the holiday relaxing and enjoying some time off. During October, I sometimes do a countdown called 31 Days of Halloween Movies (check it out HERE), where I watch a Halloween-themed movie every day of October, so I thought it would be fun to do the same kind of countdown for December and invite you to play along as well!
Of course, instead of Halloween movies we will be watching Christmas horror movies! There are a lot to choose from, so I picked some old and new favorites to get us into the holly jolly horrordays spirit! Links go to Amazon to purchase the films and I've also noted if and where they are available to stream.
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Creepy Calendars for 2019
I am one of those people that MUST have a physical wall calendar - I love writing out plans and seeing what is coming up without having to look at my phone. I guess this is probably old-school at this point, but I just love physical calendars! I never got into planners, but with calendars I am obsessed! I love picking out new ones every year, and of course I love the ones with a darker aesthetic or ones that align more with my tastes. This year, I've picked out calendars that vary from bats and cats to sacred sites to haunted places to cult films to moon magic to true crime to classic monsters to Gorey art and beyond - pretty much everything that could tickle fellow darklings' hearts!
Below you'll find 13 calendars I've chosen for 2019 - now I just need to narrow it down so I can pick a few for my own office walls! Let me know which ones are your favorites...
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
20 Spooky Stocking Stuffers Under $20
I don't know about you, but sometimes stocking stuffers are the hardest thing to shop for! I mean, it's hard to find smaller gifts that aren't just candy or snacks for your loved ones. Plus, stocking stuffers kinda get pushed off to the last minute and treated as an afterthought, with not much thought put into them.
This year, why not wow your favorite boils and ghouls with some creeptastic stocking stuffers?! I've found a bunch of small gifts that would be perfect and as an added bonus they are all under $20 so they don't break the bank! Plus, the ones I've selected below are all available on Amazon, ensuring they arrive before the holiday.
Below, shop for 20 Spooky Stocking Stuffers Under $20:
Monday, December 10, 2018
Dark Christmas Music for Creepmas
I don't usually like Christmas music, or at least not the awful stuff they pump into stores, but sometimes I get the urge for a little Christmas cheer, and when that happens I turn to my Christmas music list that is filled with goth, alternative, instrumental, and atmospheric songs that remind me of Christmas and the winter season.
I've been updating this goth Christmas playlist the past few years, and wanted to share this updated Spotify playlist with you all so you can have some creepy Christmas fear, too! You can access the playlist below:
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Christmas Horror Movies to Stream Right Now
If you are like me, you are looking for some ho-ho-horror films to get you through the saccharine muck that is clogging up all the streaming platforms right now. I like to have something festive on in the background to decorate, wrap presents, bake, or just enjoy a chilly night wrapped up in blankets on the couch, and it is so much easier to choose something on Shudder, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc. rather than going through my Blu-rays or DVDs (yes, I am really that lazy!).
With that in mind, I've been keeping an eye on all the Christmas-themed horror films on or coming to streaming platforms and I wanted to share the best of what is available. I've rounded up some of the best (errrrr, or at least somewhat entertaining) holiday horror films that are available to stream, organized by platform.
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Victorian Ghost Stories for Christmas
I simply love the Victorian tradition of telling ghost stories around Christmas. There is something so wonderfully cozy about gathering with friends and family around a crackling fire on a dark winter night and telling terrifying tales to one another. In recent years there has even been a resurgence of this tradition, with people bringing back the chilling custom of sharing ghost stories around Christmastime.
Of course, I am all for this - the long, dark winter nights create an eerie atmosphere that is so well-suited for telling or reading ghost stories! It is definitely a tradition I want brought back, and there are lots of classic Victorian Christmas ghost stories available to resurrect this custom. There are also some newer spook stories that aren't from the Victorian era, but still honor the tradition of getting scared silly on Christmas Eve, so I've included them in my round-up below! Links will take you to each book's Amazon page, and some are available to read online now, so I've also included those links when applicable.
So find a comfy chair (preferably near a crackling fireplace), light some candles, brew yourself a hot cup of tea or coffee, make sure your doors and windows are locked tight, and settle in to welcome back the real spirits of Christmas in the book and story recommendations below:
Friday, December 7, 2018
10 Creepy Christmas Monsters That Aren't Krampus
While I love Krampus and am tickled that he has gained so much popularity here in the U.S. in the past few years, I think it is high time some of the other holiday monsters get the spotlight. In case you didn't know, there are many other creatures stirring in European folklore that are every bit as frightening as Krampus. Let's look at a few, shall we?
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Odd Ornaments for the Strange and Unusual
There is no reason why you can't trim your Christmas tree with eerie ornaments this holiday season! You can continue to show off your love of the macabre, horror movies, Halloween and all things spooky by buying some odd ornaments this Creepmas, and luckily I've picked out several for you to add to your holiday decor.
Check out a handful of odd and eerie ornaments for those that are strange and unusual below:
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
13 Krampus Gifts For Those On The Naughty List
Merry Krampusnacht to you ghouls and boils! Krampus has been around for centuries, but just seems to keep gaining in popularity here in the United States. If you're not familiar, Krampus, or the Christmas Devil, is a horned, cloven-footed monster that punishes naughty children on the night of December 5th, or Krampusnacht (Krampus Night). He is kinda the anti-Santa Claus, or more like Santa Claus' evil counterpart. He collects naughty children into his sack, then whips them as punishment.
The Christmas season is typically filled with sweetness and light, so I always welcome a figure that represents the darker side of the holiday. And I'm not the only one - lots of people have taken to Krampus and treat him as kind of the dark lord of the holidays. As a result, there are so many fun Krampus-themed gifts available, from toys to clothing to candles to books to decor and a whole lot more!
I've put together a list of 13 gifts to get yourself or your favorite Krampus-lover:
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Spooky Christmas Sweaters
Looking for some spooky Christmas sweaters for the horrordays? Nowadays it is so easy to find Christmas sweaters adorned with bats, skulls, skeletons, monsters, and your favorite horror characters! Every holiday season I love hunting for new Creepmas sweaters (I've found some incredible ones in past years - check them out here, here, here, here, and here!), and every year it seems we have more and more scary sweaters to choose from. I especially love the ones I found this year, some of which are gorgeously gothic and others that are just creepy-cozy.
Monday, December 3, 2018
20 Goth Gifts for Darklings
Let's face it, sometimes shopping for gothlings can be a difficult task, even if it is for yourself or someone you love. Luckily, I've scoured some of my favorite spooky shops and picked products that will delight the recipient. These items range from adornments to home decor to art to bath and body products and more! I've also made sure to include a wide range of prices, from small stocking-stuffers to more extravagant presents. As always, all items I've selected are vegan and cruelty-free.
Whether you are shopping for yourself or your significant other, check out the 20 eerie items below that are perfect for the strange and unusual.
Sunday, December 2, 2018
New Holiday Horror Movies to Unwrap This Season
There are so many Christmas horror movies already (see a few here, here, here, and here), but I always say the more the merrier! So I am ecstatic that we are getting four more holiday horrors this season. And they all look incredible, ranging in tone from a zombie musical to an anthology to kick-ass cosplayers fighting against Krampus to a fuzzy possession tale. A little something for everyone, right?!
Check out these 4 new holiday horrors to watch this Christmas season below:
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Season's Creepings: Wishing You A Scary Creepmas
Today marks the first day of Creepmas, an annual tradition where a group of like-minded bloggers infuse some much needed spooky spirit into the holiday season. I plan on sharing how I put a spooky spin on the horror-days, including ghoulish gift guides, delightfully dark decor, sharing scary stories, and so much more. It's time for a spooky take-back of the holidays to make them the Hallowdays!
I've been participating in Creepmas since 2011 (!!), and as I do every year I wanted to kick off the 13 Days of Creepmas with listing some of my favorite posts from Creepmas' past! Check them out below: