Sunday, December 3, 2017

Wear These Ugly Christmas Sweaters to Scare Your Family this Creepmas

Ugly Christmas sweaters don't have to be tacky disasters adorned with tinsel and snowflakes - now you can find ones that are tacky masterpieces adorned with skulls, monsters, bats, skeletons, and Krampus!

Of course, there have been some rad Creepmas sweaters the past few years (check 'em out here, here, here, and here!), but it seems that every year there are even more eerie options for us spooky fiends. This year, I found some gorgeously gothic sweaters that are perfect for scaring the holly-jollies out of your neighbors, little old ladies, and your family when you sit down for holiday get-togethers.

Note: All ugly holiday sweaters below are vegan and do not include any animal products (sweaters are often made with wool, but please don't support the cruel wool industry - read this to learn why you shouldn't buy wool).

Here are some of the of the scary Christmas sweaters (and one t-shirt) I've dredged up from the depths of the internet that are sure to put a frown on your family members' faces while warming your little dark heart this holiday season:

Which one is your favorite and which one would you wear on Christmas morning to scare your family? I have to say I'm partial to the first one and the last one!

Stay spooky!


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