Friday, July 23, 2010

100 Days 'Til Halloween!

Yay! Today marks the 100 day countdown to my favorite holiday, Halloween!

See, even Frankie thinks so!

Most people think 100 days sounds like all the time in the world, but not me, no siree! I know that Halloween will be here before I know it so I've really gotta start working on Halloween content now, as well as really starting to prepare for our annual Halloween party!

 Dreaming about Halloween...

All this "work" preparing for my fave holiday is a delight, though, and I can't wait to count down the days until All Hallow's Eve!

To celebrate the kick off of the 100 day countdown, check out this adorable video made with Halloween marshmallow Peeps!

Stay spooky!


  1. October is Festivus for us bloggers.

    Thanks for starting the countdown.

  2. I hope that you'll include some vegan inspired holiday food fare. I'm a vegetarian, with a mostly vegan leaning (still haven't given up the cheese, although I don't eat very much of it any more).
