Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Spooky Vegan Receives "You Scare Me" Award!

The lovely Melissa Helwig of Little Miss Zombie was nice enough to award The Spooky Vegan with a "You Scare Me" blogger award! Thanks so much, Melissa, for your kind and thoughtful words! They really meant a lot to me!

Now, it's my turn to follow the "rules" of this award!

1. You must thank the blogger who sent it to you (Thanks again, Melissa!!)
2. You must choose two Horror Bloggers that you feel are outstanding and deserve to be recognized for their work and dedication to the Horror genre.
3. You must describe why you think each recipient deserves this award.

Wow, it's going to be extremely hard for me to choose just two blogs!! Since I just awarded some blogs the Versatile Blogger award, I'll try to avoid said blogs and highlight two blogs that I haven't given any love to yet.

Hmmm...so I guess I'll have to award this to the two blogs I read the most: Orange and Black and Creepy Cupcakes. Surprisingly, neither of these two blogs are horror review blogs, but rather Halloween blogs (because of their kooky creepiness I still consider them in the "Horror genre", as stipulated in the rules. It may be a bit of a stretch, but it works!). Still, these are the two blogs that I jump to read every time they have a new post!

I was reading Orange and Black even before I had a blog, and it pretty much inspired me to start my own blog where I could incorporate Halloween posts into my usual horror reviews and vegan recipes (yes, Halloween, horror and veganism might seem like an odd combo, but that's just me!). Orange and Black posts all sort of Halloween goodies, including handmade props, costumes, photos, etc. If you haven't already, go check it out for some spooky Halloween spirit all year-round! 

Creepy Cupcakes is a Halloween blog I discovered more recently, but still hold an insurmountable love for! There's all sorts of goodies on here, and I just love reading each and every single post, whether it's a post on a vampire feast, a crocheted Mr. T necklace or Human Centipede cupcakes, this blog has always something different, fun and interesting to share!

If you haven't already, check these two awesome blogs out!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, both blogs you awarded are great bloggers. That is super cool of you. Just recently discovered your blog too and been reading so old posts and enjoying myself very much!

