Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Target's Halloween Shirts Now in Stock!

I was shopping at Target today and what did I spy? Their Halloween shirts!!

I've bought Target Halloween shirts the past couple years and just LOVE them! They are cheap, usually ranging in price from $5 to $10, but have lasted me years! Some appear in their pj department, while others lurk in the woman's department. They also have little boy's tees that I've bought before and are usually cheaper than the ladies' shirts. I'm guessing they have guys' shirts too, but I've never looked (sorry gentlemen).

Here are a few that they now have available (sorry if some of the pics are iffy...I took them with my camera phone):

I seriously love ALL of these!! I decided to treat myself and buy one:

Jack 'O Lantern! has a lot of Halloween stuff, too...I just hope they start stocking their stores soon!! The anticipation is killing me!


  1. Cool stuff, I see why you chose the pumpkin skirt, it is perfect....but Target and I have parted ways :(


  2. I freaking LOVE TARGET (and their seasonal clothes)

  3. My friend and I have been waiting impatiently. So glad they are finally out. Our stores have only had a few like the Owl & Moon and the 3 Pumpkins. Usually the PJ department has the best ones so we wait for those. Not sure if any of these were in that department or not. The PJ tops usually have the matching pants that go with them. I live in those year round atthe house. And we wear the shirts as regular shirts too. Now I'm dying to run up to Target! Thanks for posting! :o)

  4. Some of those shirts are great, especially the one with the bats and decrepit looking tree at the bottom. I would say that they are all quite girly, but I would certainly rock a male version of the Jack-O tee you picked up!

  5. I may need to see what the stores around here have this year. I keep kicking myself for not getting the "Zombie Slayer" shirt from last year. lol

  6. Ot Oh! I'll have to tell my wife, she loves the target pj sets!

  7. I picked up the owl on the moon t-shirt last week, and I have not yet made it back to see if they had put out more shirts! I've got to go out there tomorrow and get that Halloween Hoot-enanny shirt!!

    Target carries men's shirts, but the last couple of years they've been extremely lame. That disappoints my husband, because about 4 years ago, he got this really awesome skeleton shirt there. Seems like they had some other guys shirts that year that were pretty cool too. Target should start making good men's Halloween shirts again!

  8. Aw I love the shirts! I really like the spider one! I love spiders :) I found this bottle with a cork screw at Marshalls and it says, Eye of Neut on it. <3

  9. OMG! I just went to Target a few days ago, and all they had was ugly long-sleeve Halloween shirts : ( I bought the pumpkin one a few years ago, but I need a back-up. I also want that ghostie shirt!

  10. Jack o' Lantern is the best. You chose... WISELY.

  11. Thank you so much for taking photos and posting! Actually found your blog by googling "Target Halloween tees" because I was anxious to see what they had in store for this year. A rather large section of the t-shirts in my closet is occupied by Target's Halloween tees. Will have to buy the 2nd and 3rd ones!

  12. I haven't seen any yet for 2011 but I'm keeping my eyes peeled!! :)

    Will definitely post pics when I do see them!

  13. I have the t-shirt from last year with the three pumpkins on it. Actually, I have so many Halloween t-shirts, it's obscene! My Halloween t-shirt collection could be a blog post within itself. :)

    Looks like there are some cute ones this year. I like the pink shirt with the spider on it.
