Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kale, Spinach and Apple Shake

 I always drink out of my favorite batty glasses :)

Saturday night was full of fun as Mister Spooky and I went to the Santa Ana Art Walk and ended up doing some bar hopping with some friends later that evening. Good drinks, good food and even better company were enjoyed into the wee hours of the morning.

Sunday morning came far too soon, especially since we had to get up early for a birthday brunch. We were definitely feeling the aftermath of the previous night and needed a healthy pick-me-up to get us through the day. After digging through our fridge all bleary-eyed, we came up with a kale, spinach and apple shake that  was surprisingly delicious! It also infused our bodies with plenty of vitamins, minerals and other goodies that gave us that extra "oomph" to get on with our day. 

In our juicer (we use a Breville BJE200XL 700-Watt Compact Juice Fountain) we threw:

2 bags of spinach
1 bunch of kale
2 apples

The result was a refreshing, re-energizing drink that smelled like freshly cut grass! And just look at the beautiful jewel-toned green color! Gorgeous! I thought the kale would give it a slightly bitter taste, but the apples actually mellowed the flavor and gave it some extra sweetness. The drink was delicious, delightful and definitely made us both feel much better!

If you are ever in need of a quick pick-me-up, I would definitely recommend making this concoction. I think a tiny bit of freshly grated ginger would also give it a nice kick if you need a boost to your immune system.


  1. Great smoothie but I must know where you got those glasses!

  2. You would have a bat glass. I love it, super cute! I love bats. A friend of mine had a fruit bat as a pet and he was so cute!

  3. Great shake idea! Definitely going to give it a try!

