Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year (and a belated Merry Christmas)!

Happy 2012, fiends!

It has been a few weeks (eek!) since I've last written, and for that I apologize. I have lots of catching up to do, starting with how I spent my Christmas. For Christmas, I actually got to go home to my parent's house in the Napa Valley in Northern California. It has been three years since I was home for Christmas, so I was majorly excited to spend the holiday with my family! I got to hang out with my younger sister, my mom and dad, and even got to see my best friend from high school while I was up there! It was a great time of spending time with family (including many games of Bananagrams with my mom!), eating yummy homemade food, reminiscing about the past and just enjoying the beauty of the Napa Valley (I miss nature...the concrete jungle I live in is depressing in comparison!).

Christmas was awesome because my sister and I spoiled our parents with lots of gifts!! After they spoiled us so much growing up, we decided it was high time to return the favor. They were so surprised and it was so adorable to watch them open all their presents!

I also got some very nice gifts, including recipe book Vegan Pie in the Sky, lots of beauty goodies (including my favorite mascara, Ecco Bella Black Mascara and awesome Murad Oil-Control Mattifier), a cute iPhone Monsta Case and a super-cool Table Top Photo Studio Light Tent Kit!

Here are a few photos from my Christmas:

 Buon Natale a tutti! (Merry Christmas to everyone in Italian)

 Yummy (vegan) nog and homemade gingerbread cookies

 The cutest wrapping paper ever!

 Christmas dinner - vegan Hazelnut Cranberry Field Roast, mashed potatoes, 
green beans in tomato sauce (much yummier than it sounds!), fruit salad 
(we used vegan sour cream and vegan marshallows for this...yay!)

I returned home to Mister Spooky in time for New Year's Eve and my birthday (which is tomorrow). Last night we were just going to relax at home, but at the last minute decided to head over to a friends' house to ring in the new year. We introduced Mister Spooky to Star Wars (he had never seen any of the films) and around 11:30 watched the New Year's Eve celebrations on TV ( that the kind of music people listen to nowadays??).

 A very foggy New Year's Eve!

Today I'm catching up on posts (hopefully)...I know everyone is doing their "best of" 2011 lists, but I would like to share mine, too! Plus, I still need to complete my first Batfit challenge!

For now, I'd like to wish you all a very fulfilling and prosperous 2012! Or, as others have been calling it, Happy Mayan Death Year!


  1. Happy New Year! And Happy Birthday!!

  2. Sounds like you had a brilliant time! And I know what you mean about the music that people listen to mum and I decided that the only decent thing would be to do some very mad dancing (to the horror of my dad)XD happy New Year!!
