Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Food Review: Trader Joe's Chicken-less Salad

Written by Sarah E. Jahier

I love Trader Joe's and always love how they have neat new vegan options! Last month, I noticed they had a new Chicken-less Salad and I just had to try it!

Trader Joe's Chicken-less Salad

The "chicken" salad is made from vegan chicken, carrots, celery, currants in a light, mayo-like (vegan) sauce (sorry I don't have a more comprehensive ingredient list - I didn't photograph the ingredients and I can't seem to find an ingredient list online). Upon opening the package, it looked pretty good. The only thing I wasn't too enthused about was that the sauce seemed to be a bit runny. Nevertheless, I felt like I was ready for a picnic with this Chicken-less Salad!

Looking good, Chicken-less Salad! 

The first thing I did was take a few bites of the salad...it was pretty good on it's own, but I felt like it would taste better as a whole in a sandwich, doused with some extra Vegenaise to thicken up its (weak) sauce, sprinkled with some salt and pepper, topped with some salad, and slathered between two toasted sourdough slices. And that is exactly what I did...and it turns out that it was wayyyyy better served up in a sandwich than on its own. 

Trader Joe's Chicken-less Salad in a sandwich with toasted 
sourdough bun, arugula lettuce and extra Vegenaise

I found the Chickenless Salad to have a little bit of a pickled, sour taste that was a tad irritating to my stomach when eaten alone, but this problem seems to disappear when I pair it with some carbs, like eating it in a sandwich or topping some crackers with it. When I eat it with carbs, for some reason it tastes much better to me.  

All in all, I enjoyed Trader Joe's Chicken-less Salad and I've purchased it several times since the first time I spotted it in the store. My recommendation is eating it on a sandwich to fully enjoy it. 

You can find it in Trader Joe's refrigerated section by the pre-prepared meals and salads. 

To find a Trader Joe's near you, visit their website!


  1. Great on toasted garlic naan! i add shredded cabbage... ammmmmazing.

  2. Two years later and I'm still upset they've stopped selling it. They've also stopped selling a mock chicken BBQ sandwich they had that was pretty good. And, they're not replacing them with other vegan options. It's upsetting.
