Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Gothic Gift Wrap for Halloween Lovers

There is nothing better than wrapping up your gifts in stunning wrapping paper to dress up that one-of-a-kind present for a special someone! And if that special someone happens to love the darker side of life, all things Halloween, and have a gothic aesthetic I have the perfect wrapping paper for them! You don't need to use the same red and green wrapping paper dotted with Santas or smiling snowmen/penguins/etc. this year, show your favorite people you really care by wrapping up their gifts in gorgeous prints featuring vintage spiders, bats, owls, pumpkins, the Grim Reaper, skulls and snowflakes, or even Krampus!

I mean, who wouldn't love to receive gifts wrapping in any of the amazing gothic gift wrap below:

Krampus Wrapping Paper

Which ones are your favorite? 

Stay spooky!

1 comment:

  1. I want a comforter for my bed with that jack-o-lantern damask pattern! So dreamy.
