Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Celebrate "31 Days of Halloween" with Nancy Nightmare and the Wizard

Nancy Nightmare and the Wizard is a musical act influenced by Halloween, horror movies, and all things spooky! They recently contacted me to check out their music, and I pretty much instantly fell in love with their spooky songs and eerie aesthetic! Today I wanted to share the song that got me hooked on them, "31 Days of Halloween (A Halloween Carol)". Listen to what will surely become your next Halloween anthem that will be on repeat the rest of the month:

This song is so damn catchy you'll be singing it for days to come! I really dig Nancy Nightmare's vocals and think she has a strong and commanding voice! The Wizard creates the perfect macabre musical background to accompany Nancy Nightmare's bewitching vocals. They are a terrifyingly talented duo and their song will make the perfectly eerie additional to your haunting Halloween playlist! 

You can download more music from their site and also find them on Spotify and other music streaming platforms, as well as on Instagram, Facebook, and more social media!

Stay spooky!

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