Wednesday, December 4, 2019

20 Creepy Calendars for 2020

I am one of those people that adores wall calendars - I even have multiple calendars in different rooms of my house! I am a very visual person, and wall calendars work so much better for me instead of using my phone calendar or even a planner. I love the physicality of wall calendars and how I can see right in front of my face if I have an event or appointment scheduled. I grew up organizing my life on calendars, so from the time I was pretty young I would gleefully look forward to receiving a calendar for Christmas.

I love continuing this tradition and gifting myself a brand new calendar around the holidays. I always take great pleasure in picking out the next year's calendar for myself, which is why I love sharing creepy calendars with you every year! In a way, it is kinda like we are shopping together for calendars, and how fun is that?!

So anyways, if you are old-skool nerdy like me, take a look at 20 creepy-cute calendars I've had my eye on and let me know which one is your favorite!

Do you love calendars as much as I do? Which of the above is your favorite?

Until next time, stay spooky!

Note: Some items in this post may contain affiliate links. By using these affiliate links, you are supporting The Spooky Vegan and keeping this website running, so many spooky thanks to you!


  1. My favorite would be Edward Gorey or the skulls mini calendar.

  2. I've been buying The Haunted Realm calendar for many years now, I just love it. But the Magical Mystical Cats one really caught my eye! Time to change it up!!
