Monday, August 13, 2012

Halloween 2012 at Home Goods

Soon after blogging about my first sightings of Halloween items at Michael's stores, I realized that other stores may be stocking their shelves with Halloween goodies and decided to venture out to (hopefully) discover other spooky decor!

I headed to Home Goods, which, like Michael's, usually starts putting out its Halloween stock in late July/early August and was rewarded by the beginnings of their autumn items. They mostly had kitschy, glittery Halloween decor more suited for The Real Housewives of Orange County rather than this spooky chick, but I will return once they have more in stock.

I didn't end up buying anything, but I did snap some pics of their stock:

Creepy busts, pumpkins and skulls

Pretty owl snow globe 

The coolest thing I saw - a lantern with anatomical
drawings of skulls and spines on it! 



Festive top hats 

Buggy pumpkins and a glittery skull 


 Love the green and black

 Orange and black


They had some cool vintage-looking toys! 

The weirdest thing I saw - unfinished paper mache skulls


  1. Pumpkinrot got me stoked with his post on Home Goods. Usually when he posts his pics our store is stocked too, but our is painfully barren thus far. Basically, it's all candles...
    I really hope we get some of those vintagey toys, cause the pumpkin is cute. And that lantern...!

  2. So jealous of your HomeGoods! I swung by ours last Friday and we had a measly endcap and half an aisle of glitter skulls and repeat items from last year. :( Given I live in an area much like yours with LOTS of housewives(with stupid shows to back up their idiocy). Hopefully we'll get more stuff in soon!
    I spotted some stuff in your pics I'm waiting to buy here. :)

  3. I like the festive top hats! Hey, I'd love to see a Halloween special of The Real Housewives of Orange County. :) Can you imagine the drama?

  4. We just got back from our Home Sense (Canadian version of Home Goods)saw pretty much the same things you did. The most fabulous piece was a 24" black owl sculpture that would have been perfect sitting on a pillar or big gravestone...but alas...hubby did the boo-humbug and I waved my owl friend a sad goodbye as we left the store.
