Friday, May 13, 2016

It's Friday the 13th I'm in Love

I saw this on my Facebook feed and couldn't resist sharing! "It's Friday the 13th I'm in Love" Jason Vorhees/Robert Smith of The Cure mashup by artist Craig Horky! I mean, how absolutely perfect is it?!

I'm also quite fond of Butcher Billy's comic book-style mashup above, which I shared in a blog post a few months back, but is also quite appropriate today!

What are you doing to celebrate this day? Or do you prefer to sequester yourself to try and avoid any bad luck?

Personally, I love Friday the 13th and usually celebrate with a mini marathon of Friday the 13th movies along with some vegan pizza! I'm hoping I'll have time to indulge tonight!

Happy Friday the 13th!


  1. I love that that image!! Very cool

  2. I love them both! I'm going to spend the day creating a Halloween corner in my kitchen!
