Friday, October 19, 2012

31 Days of Halloween: 15 Underrated Zombie Movies

There are SO many zombie movies out there…good ones, bad ones, silly ones, serious ones, traditional ones and ones that try to take a fresh approach to zombie lore (fast zombies, talking zombies, etc.).  SO many to choose from!

This month I've already given you my two cents on my favorite zombie movies, but those were only 10 picks…I could probably pick 50 favorite zombie movies! I feel like I left a lot off the list that deserved to be there, so I wanted to compile a list of zombie flicks that I feel don’t get the attention they deserve. Hopefully you discover something new and check out something you may have not given a chance before.

Disclaimer: All you zombie purists keep an open mind…some of these might not be “traditional” zombie films, but I firmly believe they all do fall under the genre, no matter if the zombie-ism is attributed to virus, aliens, voodoo, space dust, apocalypse, evil spirits, radiation, etc., etc. So please don’t give me your “this is not TECHNICALLY a zombie film” speech. The management thanks you.

1. Dead and Breakfast – Part slapstick, part musical, ALL AWESOME this horror-comedy has a very special place in my heart! It is full of quirk, Jeremy Sisto (swoon!) and scheming, singing zombies who are possessed by an evil spirit. I love the unique approach they took with this zombie film and I love the fun-lovin’ tone too! And the songs by Zachariah and the Lobos Riders are icing on the cake!

2. Versus – This crazy import from Japan is described as a “supernatural action film” and features lots of arterial blood sprays, numerous fight scenes and creepy zombies. You just gotta see it to believe it! 

3. Zombie Strippers – Ok, hear me out - I thought I would hate this movie when I first saw it (and actually avoided watching it for a while), but instead I love its campiness! It is so wacky and in-your-face that I can’t help but love it! Robert Englund puts on one hell of a hilarious performance as the strip club owner and Jenna Jameson is surprisingly fantastic as the lead zombified stripper. Give it a chance.

4. Deadgirl – This is one of the most somber films on the list and is a devastating movie that brutally portrays the loss of innocence. I’ve only seen this once and have no plans to watch it again, not because it is bad, but because it is so unflinching in its psychological terror on the viewer. Highly recommended but not for the faint of heart.

5. The Beyond – I love Lucio Fulci’s films and The Beyond is no exception. It is lesser well-known than Zombi, but its surreal atmosphere and nightmarish visuals make it a cult classic. The storyline isn't that linear (like most Fulci films), but the gore and eeriness of the film make it a standout. City of the Living Dead (another Fulci film that is part of the unofficial trilogy of Beyond, Zombi and City) is a close runner-up and also features some gooey gore.

6. Wild Zero – Want an absolutely WTF, crazy zombie flick? This raucous rock ‘n’ roll nightmare from Japan is little-known, but boy, is it one gleefully weird zombie movie! It features lottsa punk fashion, oddball characters, an evil villain in short-shorts, real-life rock ‘n’ roll band Guitar Wolf, lasers and of course flesh-eating zombies galore. It is just too weird and awesome for me not to absolutely adore!

7. Fido – I love this film’s Pleasantville-by-way-of-Monroeville feel and how it gently pokes fun at both a by-gone era and zombie films while offering another different view on zombies. Plus it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling at the end, which can’t be said for most zombie movies!

8. Night of the Living Dorks – An import from Germany, this fun zombie movie follows a group of nerds as they become zombies and realize it isn't so bad being undead...except for those embarrassing moments where your body parts start to fall off in front of the prettiest girl in school...

9. Dance of the Dead – Another high school zombie romp, this one features the enticing combination of zombies + prom! It's a fun, quirky film that you actually appreciate more on repeated viewings. I loved rooting for the nerdy characters that end up saving the day and who doesn't love zombies dressed to the nines for prom? 

10. Dead Snow – One of the best “Nazi zombie” films I've ever seen (yes, there are more than just this one)! I know this flick was popular when it first came out, but a few years later it seems to have faded a bit. I think that it definitely deserves more, especially with its gleefully gratuitous gore (wow, say that 5 times fast!) and how it pokes fun at the horror genre. It is over-the-top and just damn good!

11. Hide and Creep – This low-budget indie film is about rednecks and zombies. Need I say more? Ok, how about that it is both clever, hilarious and has a unique take on zombies. It may not be the most polished of the bunch and it does have its pacing problems, but if you can overlook those issues it is definitely a fun little zombie film!

12. I Walked with a Zombie - This eerie and atmospheric film from the 1930s is one of the first few films to feature zombies, though these are of the Haitian variety. This is a stunning film, though, and I feel that not enough horror fans have seen it. Another honorable mention is White Zombie with Bela Lugiosi, but I feel I Walked with a Zombie is the more under-appreciated, lesser-known film that deserves more attention.

13. Night of the Comet - Like, this film is totally tubular, but it is, like, a total bummer that more people haven't seen it! Two plucky girls do battle after the world as they know it is destroyed by (what else) a comet, leaving behind just them and some zombies. Sure, it's a little dated but it is still a whole heck of a lotta fun and filled with '80s goodness!

14. Zombieland - I know a lot of people LOVE this movie, so you might be wondering why it made my "underrated" list...well, even though tons of people are like, "f*ck yeah, Zombieland!", I don't think they appreciate just how AMAZING the film is. Even though it has a standard "zombie apocalypse" theme, everything from its slow-mo zombie attacks to its "rules" made it an instant zombie classic. The zombie rules will be quoted 20+ years down the road and this just isn't some flash-in-the-pan zombie film! 

15. Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead - How in the world could I leave off this awesomely offensive Troma offering? The spirits of slaughtered chickens coming back to infect the slobbering masses chow down on them? I'M SO IN! Yes, this is also a musical, but I am quite fond of musicals, especially when they come with a high gross-out factor like Poultrygeist

This post is part of the Virtual Zombie Walk. Please visit the other sites participating:

Zombies Everywhere
Halloween Blues
The Southern Northerner
Martha's Journey
Annie Walls
GingerRead Review
App'y Talk
Kweeny Todd
Jenny's House of Horrors
Bubba's Place
Fictional Candy
herding cats burning soup
Author Sherry Soule Blog
Paranormal Research Group Blog
Adult Urban Fantasy by Sherry Soule
Moonlight Publishing Blog
Candid Canine
Ghost Hunting Theories
Above the Norm
A Dust Bunny In The Wind
Faith McKay
Zombob's Zombie News and Movie Reviews
Flesh From The Morgue
The Living Dark
Some One Else's Cook
Stumptown Horror
Forget About TV, Grab a Book
Zombie Dating Guide
Strange State
The Paranormalist - Renae Rude
Idée Fixe
Random Game Crafts
WhiteRoseBud's Tumblr
Book Me!
Carmen Jenner Author
Sarasota Zombie Pub Crawl
Not Now...Mommy's Reading
Love is a Many Flavored Thing
Its On Random
Ellie Potts
Attention Earthlings!
Horror Shock LoliPOP
The Spooky Vegan
The Story In...
DarkSide Detectives Blog
Something wicKED this way comes....
Julie Jansen: science fiction and horror writer
Author/screenwriter James Schannep
The Zombie Lab
Creepy Glowbugg
Sharing Links and Wisdom
Midnyte Reader
This Blog Has A.D.D.
Carol's Creations


  1. I love Fido and Zombieland. But really, Zombie Strippers? It's good? No way. Okay, I'll keep an open mind and watch Zombie Strippers. Then figure out how I'm going to explain to my spouse that yes, I watched Zombie Strippers.

    1. As long as you lower your expectations and put your mind in the gutter it is "so bad it's good"!!! Make your spouse watch it with you!! :)

  2. I didn't hate Zombie Strippers as much as I thought I would, and no one can deny that ping pong ball scene is great. Night of the Comet was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid, I never thought of the 'creatures' as zombies though. I guess I thought they were just supposed to be deranged.

    You left off a very important movie though: Chopper Chicks In Zombietown!

    1. Wow, I'd never heard of Chopper Chicks before and will definitely need to check it out!! Especially since it's a Troma film! Thx!

  3. Good to see the vegan favorite Poultrygeist on this list! Though I was hoping to find a recipe for Seiten Brains posted here today, I am just as equally a junky for lists as I am of vegan noms. Keep up the good work!

  4. I have to agree with you about Versus, Dead Girl, Wild Zero and Dead Snow. Hated Dead and Breakfast though. I love how you always come up with horror movies I haven't seen (which is really difficult). By the way, I've posted 10 underrated zombie movies on my blog today for the zombie walk. I'm curious which ones you've seen (and love), so I hope you stop by ;-)

    1. Thx Vanessa!! Will definitely shamble over to your blog to check out your list!

  5. Thanks for the list. I only seen one movie on it.

    1. Hope you get a chance to check out the ones you haven't seen!

  6. I unabashedly love Zombie Strippers, and have defended it so many times! And, come on, it's based on an existential play! I think I'm going to have to watch it tonight, now that you've got me thinking of it!

  7. Oh goth, Dead and Breakfast, I have that movie and it is as hilarious as it is awesome.

    So much love for some of these other films as well, especially Zombie Strippers and Fido. I'm definitely going to have to check out the others.

    1. I know, right?! Dead and Breakfast just has a goofy charm and doesn't take itself too seriously, PLUS has a unique story...and dancing zombies! What's not to love?! :D

  8. I'm surprised there are so many I haven't seen. I'll have to show this to my husband who is always looking for a new zombie flick. Have fun zombie walking! Jet

    1. Thanks for stopping by and hope you and your husband enjoy watching the ones you haven's seen!

  9. Interesting list. I don't think I've seen or heard of most of these. That being said I have never been a HUGE zombie fanatic. Some of my favs would be the Night of the Living Dead Series, Dead Alive, and Ahh! Zombies. If you haven't seen any of these I would highly recommend them.

    1. A few of your recommendations are on my post on my Top 10 Zombie Movies I did earlier this month:

  10. I've been hesitating watching Zombie Strippers...but I've only heard good things. So hmmm. Will probably get around to it one of these days. And Deadgirl sounds intriguing. Night of the Comet has been one of my favorite movies for a long, long time!

    1. Ya, definitely check out Zombie Strippers and Deadgirl (wow, those two movies couldn't be any more different in tone!) and let me know what you think! Thx for stopping by!

  11. Wonderful site, I really enjoyed my visit.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Barry! Come haunt this place again!
