Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

I've been busy cooking/stuffing my face/napping all day and haven't had a chance to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you enjoyed the holiday with good food and spent it surrounded by the ones you love. I had a wonderful day that started with a massive cooking frenzy around 9 AM. I had baked two pumpkin pies on Wednesday night (for those interested, I used this recipe, which turned out AMAZING by the way!), but this morning I set out making two Tofurkys, oven-roasted potatoes, green bean casserole (check out the delicious recipe) and herb seasoned stuffing (all vegan, of course!). I hadn't planned on cooking so much, as Mister Spooky and I had been invited to my uncle and aunt's house for Thanksgiving, but I guess the cooking bug bit me hard this morning!

After cooking up a storm, we headed over to my aunt and uncle's house, where I had the opportunity to introduce them to Tofurky! My cousins even tried it and said it was tasty! Woo hoo! It was a fun afternoon and I got to see some relatives I haven't seen in far too long. Ah, and my once little cousins are growing up so fast!

After feasting with the fam, Mister Spooky and I headed home for some much needed "couch time"...we kinda just zonked out on the couch for a while as I caught up on American Horror Story (FYI...I've been meaning to do a post on this show but for now I'll just say: LOVE IT!). And then we pretty much spent the entire night on the couch...where I'm currently writing from haha!

Couldn't resist posting Eli Roth's faux Thanksgiving!

Anywho, Thanksgiving always gets me all introspective and inspires me to think about what I am thankful for, and I have many, many blessings to count! Among them is my fantastic boyfriend Mister Spooky, my loving family, my stellar friends, my black kitty-cat Havoc, the roof over my head, the food on my table, groundbreaking vegan/animal rights organizations that make a positive change in the world, the vibrant vegan world and the unique horror community! Sheesh, a hundred other things come to mind,, but I could spend days listing everything I'm thankful for!

What are YOU thankful for?

There's always Roth's faux Thanksgiving trailer to be thankful for! 

1 comment:

  1. Every year I get the "you look sooooo much like your mother!" comment. We were both wearing blazers this year, so I suppose that it enhanced that similarity? While I am also doubtful about the real origins of the holiday, there is a large list of reasons for what I am thankful for ..

    And I love those first few pictures, where did you get/find them?


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