Friday, November 4, 2011

Join The 13 Days of Creepmas!

Artist extraordinaire Chad Savage and awesome blog AEIOU...and Sometimes Why have come up with a holiday celebration for us spooky kids called CREEPMAS! On December 1st through the 13th a creepy coalition of bloggers will be making the holidays haunted again with CREEPMAS!

What exactly is CREEPMAS and what is the reason for it? Read on to find out:

CREEPMAS is for those Halloween lovers and Monster Kids who want to say "enough is enough" - if they're going to put their Christmas into our Halloween, then let's put our Halloween into their Christmas! Tim Burton showed us that it can be done with marvelous results, and we're definitely following his lead.

The 13 Days of Creepmas is an online Celebration of Spookiness from December 1 - 13. The idea is to bring a macabre twist to Christmas and the holidays. Get creative and post it on your blog - share your twisted yule visions with the world!

You can read more about CREEPMAS on the official site, but also check out AEIOU...and Sometimes Why's post on CREEPMAS!

I'll be joining in the fearful festivities, and you can too! Just visit the CREEPMAS blog and chime in that you'll be participating! In the meantime, start thinking of ways to scare up some fun this holiday season!


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