Happy Friday the 13th AND the 13th day of Creepmas! I've had such a blast these last 13 days infusing some spooky spirit into the holidays by sharing fearsome and festive posts with you! For the last day of Creepmas, I wanted to share some of my favorite posts from other bloggers that participated in the 13 Days of Creepmas:
Friday, December 13, 2019
Thursday, December 12, 2019
13 Days of Lesser-Known Holiday Horror Movies
Looking for some holiday horror films to count down the remaining 13 days until Christmas but don't feel like watching the same old stuff? I wanted to share 13 lesser-known holiday horror films, including some new releases as well as some you may have missed or forgotten about. Watch one a day as a countdown to Christmas, or feel free to binge-watch or pick and choose as you please!
Below I've noted if the movies are available to stream as well as including links to the respective films' DVD/Blu-ray on Amazon as well.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Last-Minute Goth Gifts For Darklings
Ahhhhh I can't believe Christmas is barely two weeks away! This month has gone by so very fast, and I know I can't be the only one scrambling to find gifts for friends and family last-minute. In my search, I came across so many fantastic gifts on Amazon Prime for goths and the darkly-inclined and I thought it may be helpful to share those here, in case you need some help finding a gift you can get in time for Creepmas.
Looking for the perfect gift for your favorite goth but short on time? I recommend these last-minute goth gifts for darklings:
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
The Trick or Treating Zombie Horse of Christmas, Mari Lwyd
One Christmas tradition that has always intrigued me is the Welsh wassailing folk custom centered around Mari Lwyd. This Welsh tradition is reportedly over 3,000 years old and is focused on Mari Lwyd ("gray mare" or "Blessed Mary" in other translations), a macabre figure of a skeletal horse head mounted on a stick, decorated with ribbons and jingling bells, and draped in a flowing white sheet (to hide the handler/puppeteer of Mari Lwyd). The eerie equine represents Death, and the only way to defeat the specter is to beat it in a battle of rhymes.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Bewitching Gifts For Your Favorite Witch
The word "witch" means different things to different people, but to me it simply means someone who is fiercely independent, empowered, creates their own magic, and has a fierce respect for nature and the elements. Of course, I also must acknowledge that witchcraft is rooting in history and different cultures, with each culture having different variations of what "witch" means to them.
With that being said, I've rounded up a list of creators whose wares will wow anyone who is witchy AF, from those deeply rooted in the spiritual side to others who just like to dip their toes in the magical pool. Wherever they land, below you will find gifts that will help bring out the magic in anyone!
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Art Inspired By La Befana, The Italian Christmas Witch
To me, La Befana is an underappreciated Christmas figure that should be just as popular as Krampus! Originating in Italy, La Befana, aka the Christmas Witch, is a legend thousands of years old. As the story goes, an older woman lived in a village that the Magi passed through on their journey to deliver gifts to the newborn Jesus Christ. Many people followed the Magi with their own gifts to deliver to the newborn messiah, but this woman did not join them as she was too busy with her housework. Once she realized her mistake, she ran out of her house with her broom and presents to try to catch up to the Magi, but it was too late. Ever since then on the eve of January 6th, the Epiphany, the woman who would become La Befana flies from house to house on her broomstick, delivering all the gifts she wasn't able to give to the newborn Jesus to good children.
Living in an Italian household, I grew up with this story and looked forward to La Befana's visits every year (as long as I had been good!). I love everything La Befana still, and hers is one of my favorite Christmas legends. In honor of La Befana, I've rounded up some artwork inspired by her from a variety of artists. I am so glad her name is becoming more and more recognized and love sharing her story!
Check out art inspired by La Befana below:
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Legend of the Christmas Spider
You may have seen spider ornaments on Christmas trees before, and may have just assumed they were a goth ornament or leftovers from Halloween, but did you know that spiders actually have a long history of being placed on Christmas trees due to Eastern European folk tales? The legend of the Christmas spider dates back to the late 1800s or early 1900s and is believed to be of Ukranian origin, though the story can also be found in parts of Germany, Poland, and Russia. It is also credited as being the origin of hanging tinsel on Christmas trees.
I love the story of the Christmas Spider and its message of charity and goodwill. The Christmas Spider celebrates kindness to all living things, the magic of giving, and those that work quietly in the background to bring joy to others. The legend of the Christmas Spider is as follows:
Friday, December 6, 2019
13 Christmas Episodes from Horror TV Shows
During the horrordays, many people focus on watching Christmas-themed horror movies but tend to forget how many Christmas-themed horror television episodes there are. I love holiday horror TV episodes since they are bite-sized pieces of holiday fear and I can fit in watching them pretty much anytime! If you think about it, this is perfect since we are all so busy this time of year and sometimes don't have the time to watch a whole film.
If you're looking for dark Christmas stories, I have 13 memorable Christmas episodes from horror television series to recommend to you this Creepmas below:
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Eerie Ornaments for Creepmas Trees
One of my favorite things about the holiday season is putting up and decorating my Creepmas tree! My Christmas tree is black, and I decorate it in Halloween colors and spooky ornaments. I'm always on the look out for new unique, gothic ornaments I can add to my tree, and I love sharing my finds with you, my fellow darklings!
Take a peek at these eerie ornaments for your Creepmas tree below:
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
20 Creepy Calendars for 2020
I am one of those people that adores wall calendars - I even have multiple calendars in different rooms of my house! I am a very visual person, and wall calendars work so much better for me instead of using my phone calendar or even a planner. I love the physicality of wall calendars and how I can see right in front of my face if I have an event or appointment scheduled. I grew up organizing my life on calendars, so from the time I was pretty young I would gleefully look forward to receiving a calendar for Christmas.
I love continuing this tradition and gifting myself a brand new calendar around the holidays. I always take great pleasure in picking out the next year's calendar for myself, which is why I love sharing creepy calendars with you every year! In a way, it is kinda like we are shopping together for calendars, and how fun is that?!
So anyways, if you are old-skool nerdy like me, take a look at 20 creepy-cute calendars I've had my eye on and let me know which one is your favorite!
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Christmas Horror Movies to Stream Now
'Tis the season for some killer holiday horror movies! I love browsing streaming services this time of year for seasonal horror flicks, and this year we have quite a few to choose from on Hulu, Shudder, Amazon Prime, and Netflix. Below I've rounded up some that are available on these streaming platforms now or are coming soon to stream. Don't have these streaming services or prefer physical media? No problem, as I've included links to each film's Amazon when possible.
Check out the Christmas Horror Movies to Stream Now:
Monday, December 2, 2019
Haunting Holiday Books to Read for Christmas
The longer days and cold nights are perfectly suited for reading spooky stories. It recalls past traditions from Victorian and Edwardian times when friends and family would gather on Christmas Eve and spend the night by the crackling fire telling each other spooky stories. Let's keep this wonderful tradition alive this holiday season with the following collections of holiday-themed horrors that you can read this Creepmas!
These books of short Christmas ghost stories would make a perfect gift, either to yourself or your favorite horror reader. It would also be fun to take these home for the holidays to read them to your friends and family as you spend time together - which will infuse your gatherings with some must-needed spookiness this time of year!
Check out these Haunting Holiday Books to Read for Christmas:
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Welcome To The 13 Days of Creepmas
Happy first day of Creepmas, an annual tradition that runs from December 1st to December 13th. During these 13 days, a group of like-minded bloggers infuse some much needed spooky spirit into the holiday season by putting a spooky spin on the horror-days.
Since I missed this year's 31 days of Halloween, I plan on throwing myself whole-heartedly into the 13 days of Creepmas. I'm gonna be sharing some killer ghoulish gift guides, Christmas ghost stories, dark holiday decor, and much more.
Every year I like to kick off Creepmas by sharing some of my favorite posts from past years. I've been participating since 2011, so I have plenty of ghoulish goodies for you to check out, with more on the way. Make sure to check back every day for a new post so you can put the holiday spirits back into the holiday!
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Scared to Death: The Thrill of Horror Film Exhibit
This past weekend I was lucky enough to check out Scared to Death, a horror exhibit at the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle, Washington. This installation at MoPop features over 50 props and costumes from horror shows and movies like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Walking Dead, The Shining, Pet Sematary, Frankenstein, Hostel, Blair Witch, and many more. I was so incredibly excited to get to see this exhibit, and it didn't disappoint! I got to geek out over the props and costumes from some of my favorite horror films, watch video clips of well-known creators talk about notable horror films, and immerse myself in the delightfully macabre atmosphere of the exhibit.
So, you start the exhibit (which is tucked into the back corners of the Museum of Pop Culture), by descending down a staircase bathed in red, wallpapered with faces of people screaming. You enter into the exhibit and are immediately met with a body-bag maze to your right and a zombie quarantine zone to your left. Around every corner you may come face-to-face with a xenomorph, or Jason, or a bloody severed head, or a nook to sit down and watch short interviews with notable horror creators discussing the influence of specific films. You can enter into a cathedral dripping with blood highlighting vampire lore and props, holler your heart out in the sound-proofed Scream Box (which will take a photo of you as you scream), and of course take advantage of the interactive photo-ops.
Take a virtual walk through of the Scared to Death horror exhibit below:
Friday, November 22, 2019
Imperfect Foods Subscription Box Review
After moving to Seattle, one of the first things I did was re-start my Imperfect Foods subscription box! I had been without it for a few months while in the middle of the move, and I missed it so much! I originally started my subscription in 2017 (read my then review of the box HERE), loved it and been a big supporter of Imperfect ever since! Not only am I getting fresh produce and pantry staples straight to my door, but with every box I am helping to fight food waste.
You see, Imperfect sources produce with minor cosmetic imperfections that would otherwise be discarded by grocery stores as well as other groceries that are short-coded, have a label change, or some other reason they aren't able to be stocked in stores. In providing what most would consider "unusable," Imperfect helps support farmers by helping them sell more of what they grow, helps save product, water, land, and labor from going to waste, advocates that fresh fruit and veggies be affordable and accessible for everyone, and embraces beauty in all shapes, sizes, and colors!
Monday, October 28, 2019
Where Did October Go?
Hey Boo, longtime no spook!
I cannot believe that October is nearly over and Halloween is already upon us! I barely got to celebrate this year (see life update below - lots of huge changes!!), but I am super grateful for the little things I did do and very happy I got to experience an actual autumn this year. Read more about my recent adventures below...
Friday, October 4, 2019
Animated Halloween Video Featuring Sam Heimer's Artwork + Harley Poe's "Pagan Holiday"
I'm posting this a few days late, but this video by Nocturnaloner featuring Sam Heimer's artwork and "Pagan Holiday" music by Harley Poe is a perfect way to kick off October! If you're a long-time reader, you may recognize Nocturnaloner's name from past Halloween seasons (you can check out past videos I've featured here, here, and here!). He painstakingly animates all his videos and sets them to atmospheric music. I simply adore his magical videos that are imbued with the spooky spirit! See his latest creation below:
Friday, September 27, 2019
Vegan Halloween Pins + Stickers from Vegan Power
Spooky Vegans unite! I am so stoked that Vegan Power Co. has added a "Spooky Vegan" pin and sticker to their Halloween collection this year! They have brought back their "Creepy Vegan" design, as well as adding an "Evil Vegan" one this year, too! Which one are you - spooky, creepy, or evil?
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Halloween 2019 at Fred Meyer
We don't have Fred Meyer grocery stores in California, so when we were up in Oregon recently we popped into one to grab some water and snacks and were surprised at how huge they are! I also had no idea they had a Halloween decor, which I quickly gravitated towards and was delighted to find they had a ton of! I didn't buy anything, but had a blast browsing their sprawling Halloween section. I can't wait to get back up there and get back into a Fred Meyer (they also had a ton of vegan options in the grocery section of the store!).
Here are all the Halloween goodies I spotted in Fred Meyer:
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Halloween 2019 at Michaels
Oops, this post is a little late - but better late than never, right?! I truly meant to post this way back at the beginning of August, but since I moved from Southern California and am still searching for a new place to call my home, it kinda slipped through the cracks! I'm sure you've probably already seen everything Michaels has to offer for Halloween this year, but just in case you haven't or in case you missed something, I thought I would still share some pics that I took more than a month ago when they first started putting out Halloween!
I really dug all the vintage-inspired decor this year at Michaels; they really hit it out of the pumpkin patch! It is by far my most favorite Halloween collection I've seen in 2019. Check it out below:
Monday, September 23, 2019
A to Z Candles Halloween 2019 Collection
A to Z Candles make some of my fave candles and I order from them year round (my fave scent is Apple Cider Donut - it makes my house smell like sugary, fall donuts year-round!), but their Halloween collection is really something special! This indie, family-owned company was kind enough to send me their Halloween 2019 collection, and I am swooning over the scents! They are the same as last year (check out my review from 2018 HERE), but I am so glad they are back since they are so delicious! I wanted to feature them here (I've already shared them on my Instagram) since they deserve all the attention they have been getting lately! These are seriously some of the best candles and you can read more about them below!
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Halloween 2019 at Target
I stopped into Target after my trip up to Washington and Oregon last week to hunt for Halloween. Since I'm so far from everything here on the Lost Coast, I didn't expect them to have anything Halloweenie out yet besides their dollar section (which I covered HERE!). I was surprised and delighted to find that their Halloween section did in fact have lots of terrifying treats out on the shelves already! I'll share everything I saw below...
Friday, September 20, 2019
Halloween 2019 at Trader Joe's
One of the things I look forward to the most every autumn is the release of Trader Joe's Halloween food! They always have the ghoulest snacks and I stock up on their frightful food every fall. And their vegan options are always to die for (though I wish a few more of their items were vegan - I'm looking at you, pumpkin spice cream cheese!).
Unfortunately for me, I'm hundreds of miles away from a Trader Joe's at the moment. However, I took a recent trip up to Oregon and Washington and made it my mission to seek out Trader Joe's stores up there so I could indulge in some of my favorite fall foods! I got lucky and the Trader Joe's I visited were already filling their shelves with Halloween treats, so I snapped a few pics so I could share all the vegan goodies they have this year.
Take a look at their vegan Halloween food below:
Saturday, August 31, 2019
Halloween 2019 at Target's Dollar Spot
Hello fiends! Apologies for my absence - I moved out of Southern California at the end of July and have been busy since then helping my family clean up my late grandparents' ranch and getting ready for another move even further north soon! I am in a remote location in Northern California at the moment - it's gorgeous and I'm enjoying it, but I am so far away from everything and when I do get into the nearest town it doesn't have many stores. Plus, my internet connection isn't the most reliable (though this means I've been disconnecting more and more, which is so healthy mentally!). So, Halloween updates may be a bit few and far between this year since I'm going through so many changes.
However, I did visit a Target about an hour or so away from me recently, and found they were just stocking their Dollar Spot or Bullseye's Playground with Halloween items! Not everything was out yet, but it was incredibly thrilling to see Halloweenie items at Target!
See what I spotted in Bullseye's Playground at Target below:
Friday, July 26, 2019
Sneak Peek: Halloween 2019 at Sur La Table
Sur La Table always has quality kitchen supplies, so I love browsing their Halloween items. They have a small but excellent selection of Halloween goodies like tableware, utensils, linens, baking supplies, and more. They just started putting autumn and Halloween items online, and you can check out some of them below:
Thursday, July 25, 2019
10 Things I'm Loving This July
By the time I post this, I'll be just a few days away from leaving behind Southern California and moving up north! I've been selling off a lot of my items and packing up the rest for what seems like months and I cannot wait to hit the road and start my new adventure with Mister Spooky and my cat Havoc!
As you can imagine, it has been another bananas month, I'm so glad I had some items that brought me joy this month. As per my monthly tradition, I'm sharing 10 things I loved this July. This monthly practice encourages me to reflect on things I'm grateful for this month as well as sharing some of my favorite things with you.
Here are my 10 Things I'm Loving this July:
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Only 100 Days To Halloween!
Whoa, I cannot believe there are only 100 days to Halloween (technically even less than 100 days to go by now)!! Even though Halloween is so much more than just one day a year for some of us, there is so much joy in realizing that the actual Halloween season will be here soon! Soon we will be surrounded by gorgeous autumn colors and everyone will be in the spooky spirit (and I couldn't be more ready!)
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Sneak Peek: Halloween 2019 at World Market
One of my favorite places to shop during Halloween is Cost Plus World Market! They don't have as much as other stores, but I love their vintage-inspired decor and their Halloween sodas and treats. They have unique and well-made decorations that I find last longer than other stores' decor.
This year, they have some really neat decor I can't wait to get my claws on. Check out some of my fave items (so far) from World Market's Halloween 2019 collection below:
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Sneak Peek: Halloween 2019 at Grandin Road
Grandin Road always impresses with its grandiose Halloween decor, so I was excited when they released a sneak peek of their 2019 Halloween Haven collection! This year they have lots of beautifully spooky props and decor, including more animated props and some wonderfully celestial-themed items.
Take a peek at Grandin Road's Halloween Haven collection for 2019 below and visit their site for more!
Monday, July 15, 2019
Sneak Peek: Halloween 2019 at Target
Target is many people's most-anticipated Halloween shopping destination, and over the weekend they quietly released 2019's Halloween sneak peek! They have some wonderful themes this year, like Ghoulish Garden, Pumpkin Parlor, and Moonlight Bash! I am loving all the carnivorous plants they are featuring this year, as well as lots of black cat decor. I am really excited for the reveal of their Halloween collection, and I'm sure you are too, so without further ado, check out some nifty items from Target's Halloween 2019 collection below:
Friday, July 12, 2019
Sneak Peek: Halloween 2019 at Pottery Barn
Pottery Barn always has gorgeous Halloween decor, and this year looks to be no different! They recently started posting some of their Halloween 2019 collection online and I've been swooning over some of their eerie items.
Here is a sneak peek at some of my favorite pieces I saw online:
Sneak Peak: Halloween 2019 at Pier 1
Halloween items are starting to sneak up online and in-stores, and while stalking the Pier 1 website I noticed that they had their autumn and Halloween sneak peeks up! They have so many adorable items this year, I cannot wait to get my claws on some of them!
Here are some of my faves I spotted on the Pier 1 website, you can order/pre-order these now and they should make their appearance in Pier 1 stores around mid-August.
Thursday, July 11, 2019
All-New LA Haunted Hayride To Be Unveiled at Midsummer Scream
Photo Credit: Thirteenth Floor Entertainment Group
Today Midsummer Scream announced a new panel presentation from LA's Haunted Hayride, which is under new management and will be re-imagined into a new experience under the creative direction of Jon Cooke this upcoming Halloween season.
Read more about it in the official press release below:
Friday, June 28, 2019
10 Things I'm Loving This June
This has been a hectic month with trying to pack and get ready for a big move, plus getting ready to travel for a wedding, not to mention how bonkers work has been! Thank goodness I had some things that kept me sane and happy this month, and as per my monthly tradition, I'm sharing 10 of these things with you below. This monthly practice encourages me to reflect on things I'm grateful for this month as well as sharing some of my favorite things with you! And I always love to hear about items you are digging this month, feel free to share them with me in the comments!
Here are my 10 Things I'm Loving this June:
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Halloween 2019: At Home Stores
Southern California finally got its very first At Home store (in Lake Forest, located in Orange County) which means we can finally stop drooling over pics from the rest of the country and we can finally get our claws on their Halloween items! I shared some items from their website a few weeks, ago, but our local SoCal store has already started putting out Halloween items in June and has seen Halloween lovers descend on the store to snap up Halloween goodies as well as snapping Instagram pics! I've been stalking the store for a few weeks now, waiting for them to start putting out the Halloween goods. I struck out the first few times, but finally got lucky last Friday! They were still busy unpacking lots of boxes, but they already three aisles of Halloween and autumn stuff out. I can't believe Halloween products are already hitting shelves, but seeing all that orange and black really put a huge grin on my face!
Want to see what they had out? Take a look below:
Monday, June 10, 2019
Sneak Peek: Halloween 2019 At Home Stores
As you may have seen across social media, At Home stores have started rolling out their Halloween merch in-stores! Yes, it is only June, but this a major Code Orange! We actually had the very first At Home store in California open here in Orange County, just about 20 minutes away from where I live. I went and checked it out this weekend to see if they had any Halloween stuff out, but unfortunately they had nothing and told me they don't expect any Halloween stuff stocked until late June.
Until then, I thought I would share a sneak peek of the Halloween items that are currently on their site that will be available for purchase in stores soon (unless you are lucky and your At Home already has these items stocked). It looks like the theme this year is skewing towards Game of Thrones-themed decor - lots of dragons, crowns, etc.
Friday, May 31, 2019
10 Things I'm Loving This May
I'll be honest, this month has been a struggle for me. I got sick at the beginning of the month for two weeks and also found out we have to move at the end of our lease. In order to fund this unexpected move, I've been selling a large chunk of my Halloween collection. The whole month feels like one long battle against being sick and then another battle of purging belongings. I don't share this because I want pity, but just to show that life can throw us some curveballs sometimes and I just wanted to share why I've been so absent from here and social media. I know it will all work out in the end and I'm excited for a change of scenery, but it sure has been stressful.
Still, this month hasn't been all bad - I feel like even more than usual I need to focus on the positive and savor the little things I sometimes take for granted. As per my monthly tradition, I'm sharing 10 things I'm loving this month below, which encourages me to reflect on things I'm grateful for this month as well as sharing some cool things with you!
Check out 10 Things I'm Loving This May below:
ten things,
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Spooky Summer Goth Essentials to Survive the Sun
With Memorial Day behind us, I can't believe summer is almost here! I'm already in shock of how long the days are stretching and I am already dreading the warmer temperatures. Summer is the last season before the glorious return of fall, and all we need to do is survive summer to get to the best season, autumn! And of course, summer can be fun if take the time to stock up on some necessities that make it so much more pleasant for us darklings...
I have to say that summer is usually a struggle for me (and many other fellow fiends who wear black year-round), so in preparation I've rounded up some spooky summer goth essentials to help me and my fellow spookies survive the summer. Below I'm sharing clothes, accessories, pool floats, parasols, swimsuits, makeup, sandals, and more with a spooky twist to make summertime more bearable.
skin care,
spooky summer,
Friday, May 3, 2019
Midsummer Scream to Showcase California’s Spookiest + Strangest Themed Bars
LONG BEACH, CA - If you’re a fan of spirits - the kind that come crafted in a glass - you’re in for a serious treat! Midsummer Scream, the world’s largest Halloween and horror fan convention, will host a panel presentation featuring the most sinister bars and breweries on the West Coast!
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Drklght Clothing "Disney Goth" Pop-Up Shop
Drklght Clothing makes rad Disney Goth clothing (along with wrestling, horror, goth, LGBTQ, straight edge, workout, and more clothing) and this Saturday they are hosting a pop-up shop in Anaheim, California, home of Disneyland, right before Bat's Day!
They will be selling t-shirts, spirit jerseys, candles, pins, and more and are offering a free "Death Certificate" to the first 25 customers. This pop-up will be held at The Doll Hut at 107 S. Adams Street in Anaheim, California from noon to 4 PM this Saturday, May 4th, 2019.
I have the Disney Goth tee and I love it so much!! It is perfect to wear to the parks and turn some heads, and especially fun to wear on Bat's Day, which is this Sunday, May 5th and is a gathering of spooky fiends who love Disneyland!
If you can't make this pop up, you can buy Drklght Clothing on their website, www.drklght.com!
Stay spooky!
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Have a Haunting Half-o-Ween and a Witchy Walpurgisnacht!
Today, April 30th, marks halfway to Halloween and Walpurgisnacht (aka Witches' Night aka Hexennacht). Walpurgisnacht is known as the "other Halloween", where the veil between the worlds separating known and unknown is thinnest, allowing all manner of spirits, witches, otherworldly creatures, demons, devils, and so forth to push through into our world.
Ancient tales of witches, devils, and spirits gathering high in the mountains on this night seems to have its roots in Germany. Brocken Peak in Germany's Harz Mountains has two rock formations called Devil's Pulpit (Teufelskanzel) and the Witches' Altar (Hexenaltar), where these legends originate from. Nearby the Brocken Peak is the Hexentanzplatz, which literally means Witches' Dance Floor, where many pre-Christian rituals were performed, including the rites of old Saxon cults honoring the forest and mountain gods and goddesses.
Monday, April 29, 2019
Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man Maze Coming to Halloween Horror Nights 2019
Universal Studios announced another maze for their Halloween Horror Nights events in Hollywood and Orlando, bringing back their iconic Universal Monsters! Hollywood will see a showdown in the new "Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man" maze, while Orlando will see all of the classic monsters come to life.
I am really excited to hear that Halloween Horror Nights is doing these two Universal Monsters-themed mazes! I am stoked that I'll get to experience Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man at Halloween Horror Nights Hollywood! Check out more details on these two mazes from the official press release below:
Celebrate Half-o-Ween With These Halloween Movies Streaming Now
Halloween Movies and Where to Watch Them for Half-o-ween
Can you believe it is almost halfway to Halloween?! April 30th/May 1st marks the halfway point to October 31st, and every year I like to acknowledge this milestone with a little mini Halloween celebration. In past years, I've recommended ways to celebrate Halfway to Halloween, how to bring Halloween into your home, shared the history of Walpurgisnacht (aka Witches' Night, which occurs on the same date), and many more spooky spring-time shenanigans!
This year, I'm craving some Halloween films and TV shows to help spark that spooky spirit, so I thought I would share all the Halloween films currently streaming on Shudder, Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime (if you are looking for more suggestions for Halloween movies, check out my Ultimate List of Halloween-themed Movies). These movies are set on or around Halloween, but I've also included TV shows that have memorable Halloween episodes as well as a few other titles that give me a spooky vibe even though they may not be set on Halloween (like Goosebumps or The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell).
Note: Listing is for US-region only. Also, I have not seen all of these, so I cannot speak to the quality (and I can't even guarantee the quality of the ones I HAVE seen, haha). However, I have noted all the ones I do recommend with an asterisk (*).
Here are Halloween Movies and Where to Watch Them for Halfoween:
Friday, April 26, 2019
Witchy TV Shows to Stream for Walpurgisnacht
In past years, I've shared witch films to get you in the spirit of Witches' Night (check out those recommendations HERE and HERE), but this year I decided to turn my focus to the small screen. With the success of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina series as well as all things witchy gaining in popularity, I'm sure we all could use some bewitching shows to watch (or re-watch) in honor of Walpurgisnacht on April 30th (if you want to familiarize yourself with this celebratory witch holiday, read this post).
Below, I've rounded up witch-themed or witch-adjacent shows that you can stream on platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Shudder (I've also added links to Amazon if you want to own the shows on Blu-ray or DVD), check them out:
Thursday, April 25, 2019
10 Things I'm Loving This April
It's officially springtime here and temperatures are heating up, flowers are blooming, the rain has stopped, and summer is swiftly on the way (but that just means we are closer to Halloween season, right?!). This month has been a whirlwind of activity and seems to have gone by in a flash! So much good stuff happened that it is gonna be tough to consolidate it down to ten, but here we go!
As I've been doing on a monthly basis with these "ten things" posts, I'm sharing 10 items I'm loving this month. This practice encourages me to be grateful for the little (and big) things in my life and also give me a chance to share some cool things with you!
See the 10 Things I'm Loving This April below:
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Celebrated Creators of Immersive Entertainment To Come Together at Midsummer Scream
More amazing news coming out of the upcoming Midsummer Scream, as they announced today that one of their presentations will feature leaders in the immersive entertainment industry, including Jon Braver of Delusion, Bonnie Hallman of Queen Mary's Dark Harbor and WB's Horror Made Here, Justin Fix of Creep LA and The Willows, director Darren Lynn Bousman who also created The Tension Experience, and many more!
I love hearing stories of the creators behind these immersive events, so I am very much looking forward to this panel. More info is included in the official press release below:
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Eerie Organizing for Glamour Ghouls
Springtime always inspires me to clean out my closets, de-clutter, and tidy up my home. The longer, sunnier days inspire me to brush away the cobwebs, give everything a deep clean, and find new ways to organize my things. Spring is time to start fresh and get my house spooky and sparkling, with everything in it's proper place.
I've been eyeballing some new organizers to achieve this goal, with a spooky twist, of course! I've been looking for makeup holders, curio shelves, desk organizers, photo and memento boxes, all with a gothic aesthetic. I thought it would be fun to share these eerie organizers with you, too, in hopes that they help with your own spooky spring cleaning!
Check out the items below to help you get eerily organized this spring and do some spooky spring cleaning:
Monday, April 15, 2019
Celebrate "Holidayz in Hell" at Universal Studios Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights
Yesterday, Universal Studios Hollywood announced their next maze for this year's Halloween Horror Nights! The popular "Holidayz in Hell" concept, which scared guests as a scare zone previously, will be turned into a full-fledged maze for Halloween 2019! I love that scare zone, and can't wait to see what they do with it in the larger-scale maze layout. Check out the official press release about this announcement below:
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Only 200 Days To Halloween!
As of today, there are only 200 days left to go until Halloween! That doesn't seem very long, right?
I am so looking forward to this year's Halloween season - in just a few months we will start seeing orange and black in stores again, haunts being announced, and all manner of spooky goodies coming together. I can't wait and already have a long list of to-do's this upcoming Halloween season, like hitting up all my favorite stores, getting up more decorations, going to pumpkin patches, and checking out a bunch of haunts!
Do you have any plans yet for Halloween 2019?
Stay spooky!
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