Happy lil' Lushes!
I have a drawer full of Lush's bath bombs, but the other night I wanted the benefit of the yummy smelling bath bombs without having to actually take a bath. So instead I decided to use Lush's "Too Drunk" EmotiBomb in the shower. All you do is stick the tablet under the shower spray and it releases its intoxicating scent.
Lush's site says: "This is for the day after you got too drunk. It has essential oils of peppermint, tagetes, fennel and reviving sweet wild orange to refresh you, soothe a sore head and bring you back to life."
Duckies not included
I didn't have a hangover when I tried this, but was looking for a pick-me-up to sooth my frazzled senses. So, I threw it under the shower water and waited for the EmotiBomb to take me away! And waited...and waited...until the whole EmotiBomb melted away. I don't know if I got a bum bomb or if these EmotiBombs just aren't all that strong, but it did absolutely nothing. There was no nice scent and no relaxing side effects. Overall, it was a very disappointing experience and probably the very first Lush product I've used that hasn't "wowed" me.
Lucky, the "Too Drunk" EmotiBomb only set me back $4.50, so it wasn't too much of a loss. Still, for a Lush product is was disappointing that this was such a dud.
Buy it on Amazon
I keep seeing references to 'Lush' products all over the web, most of them from happy, satisfied customers like you. Word of mouth is the best advertising. I'll have to check them out!
ReplyDeleteI love Lush too!! :D
ReplyDeleteI still have a spider web bath bomb from last Halloween... Who knows if it's still good. I keep forgetting about it. lol