Sunday, October 7, 2012

31 Days of Halloween: Retro Halloween Costumes from the '70s and '80s

A while back, I finally got my hands on Ossian Brown's stunning book Haunted Air (review), which is just packed with vintage Halloween costume photos. There is something both disturbing and nostalgic about these old images of witches, hobos, ghosts, vampires and monsters.

While unsettling, I could stare at photos like this every day! So I scoured the world wide web for some of the coolest and creepiest vintage photos, and decided that since Brown's book doesn't show photos from the '70s or '80s, I decided to post some here!

So. Much. Awesome.

Love the bloodied up zombie in the back! OMG and that green McDonald's pail
the little witch is holding!

Adorable Ghostbuster

This is what friendship wooks like

I have fond memories of both She-Ra and the Fuzzles, so love both of these!

Unexpectedly creepy Lambchop

Watch your back!

There is just something so OFF about this photo...I think it is the weird 
plastic masks and I don't even know who the little girl is supposed to be (maybe 
Bionic Woman?)

The creepiest part of this Rainbow Brite costume is the placement of the eye holes.


Creep-tastic Lasagna Monster


  1. Two of my photos made your post - I'm Snoopy and the weird random kid with a wand from your top two photos. I miss those plastic costumes!

    1. That is sooooo cool!!!! Such awesome costumes back in the day!


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