Wednesday, October 3, 2012

31 Days of Halloween: Halloween 2012 at Roger's Gardens

One of my Halloween traditions every year is to visit the Orange County nursery Roger's Gardens and check out their elaborate Halloween displays! Now, I know you're probably saying to yourself, why would a nursery have cool Halloween displays? Well, Roger's Gardens is a beautiful place with high standards and they go all out for Halloween, converting rooms into themed Halloween displays and showcasing some pretty amazing Halloween folk art!

I go every year around the time they unveil their All Hallow's Eve display (Labor Day weekend is when they usually open) and I am always in awe of the work they put into these displays. I visited the nursery this year in early September, but I wanted to wait to share the photos I took with you until my 31 Days of Halloween!

Check out the photos I took below:

If you are in or near Orange County, I highly suggest you visit Roger's Gardens this month! If you go on a Saturday, you may even catch a featured food truck in their lot! Check out their website for a full schedule!


  1. Pretty :)
    I like the octopus plates :)

  2. some really cool stuff! i like the rib cage bust! that looks like a diy project i need to try out!

  3. LOOOVE those octopus plates and bird jars!

  4. wonderful! I can see why you like that nursery :) Have a nice day!

  5. I love all the black and white stuff here! It's so classy. The slithering snake design is very cool. I can just imagine that bottle holding some kind of poison!


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