Saturday, January 23, 2016

Cemetery Gates Volume 3

I have a deep love and appreciation for cemeteries and graveyards. When traveling I make it a point to see if I'll be someplace with any cool cemeteries. I especially love old cemeteries with grandiose old tombstones and monuments, something you definitely don't see in the boring flat lawn cemeteries of Orange County.

However, since I don't travel much I tend to live vicariously through the cemetery photographs of others, and one person I can definitely count on for awesome cemetery pictures is MissMuffCake, who roams the historic cemeteries of Northern California snapping photographs. She started a self-published zine called Cemetery Gates to highlight her cemetery trips, and each issue revolves around a different theme. I talked about Volume 1 here, and have now received Volume 3 to my delight!

Cemetery Gates Volume 3 is focused around the theme of "Discarded", and it features discussions on lost traditions, cemetery photographs from Northern California, and an interview with a Death Midwife! It also came with two adorable cemetery stickers, which you can see in the photo above. Love the lil' cherub's butt!

I love the mix of topics that are covered in this zine, from personal musings to items of cultural and historical interest and interviews, it covers a wonderful range of topics that are complimented by black and white photographs of cemeteries. Volume 3 even features a delightful model in a swoon-worthy dress that was photographed by the zine author/photographer, MissMuffCake.

My favorite part of the zine was the section on a visit to a pet cemetery. Pet cemeteries are such special places where furry, feathered, and even scaly companions are laid to rest and honored, and I loved reading MissMuffCake's heartwarming account about her visit to one. The photos accompanying the anecdote really touched my heart as well. 

I really adore everything about this zine, from the true DIY spirit behind it, to the thoughtful content contained within, to how it champions cemetery appreciation and preservation. The author's true passion really shines through in Cemetery Gates, and I can't recommend this zine enough for fellow taphophiles.

You can purchase Cemetery Gates Volume 3 and other fantastic zines MissMuffcake creates via her storefront on Etsy!

Also be sure to visit her blog, Facebook, and Instagram for more cemetery musings and vegan goodies!

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