Saturday, October 8, 2011

31 Days of Halloween: Retro Monster Cereal Commercials

Count Chocula, Frankenberry, Boo Berry...we all know and love those creepy cute cereal monsters that pop up this time of year! Every October I love seeing them on grocery store shelves with their ghastly grins! While I can no longer partake of these cereals as they aren't vegan (boo!), I still get a kick out of the characters...which is why I love watching the old monster cereal commercials!

Here are a few for you to enjoy!


  1. Sadly, these cereals are no longer available in Canada. Ah well, I'll still have the retro commercials . . . :)

  2. Oooooh noooooo! Not available in Canada? That is so sad...I haven't seen many in stores here in the US either :(


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